Coding the Next Wave of Intelligence
AI Engine Lab is a research team at Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China. Our team is driven by a passion for technological advancement and innovation. We hope that through our efforts, we can provide more in-depth, equitable, and reliable methods and strategies for the fields of artificial intelligence. The research directions of our lab include Large language model, causal inference and recommendation system.
Openings: we are always looking for highly self-motivated students to work with us as PhD, master or visiting students. Please email us at if you are interested in our team.
Congrats to Zexu Sun: The Paper "Uncertainty and Influence aware Reward Model Refinement for Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback" got accepted by ICLR 2025.
Two papers "Optimal Transport for Time Series Imputation " and "MMRole: A Comprehensive Framework for Developing and Evaluating Multimodal Role-Playing Agents " got accepted by ICLR 2025.
Congrats to Xueyang Feng: The Paper "Improving Retrospective Language Agents via Joint Policy Gradient Optimization" got accepted by NAACL 2025.
Congrats to Lei Wang: The Paper "CharacterBox: Evaluating the Role-Playing Capabilities of LLMs in Text-Based Virtual Worlds" got accepted by NAACL 2025.
Congrats to Zeyu Zhang: The Paper "TrendSim: Simulating Trending Topics in Social Media Under Poisoning Attacks with LLM-based Multi-agent System" got accepted by NAACL(findings) 2025.
Congrats to Zeyu Zhang: The Paper "MemEngine: A Unified and Modular Library for Developing Advanced Memory of LLM-based Agents" got accepted by TheWebConf(Resource Track) 2025.
Congrats to Luyu Chen: The paper "RecUserSim: A Realistic and Diverse User Simulator for Evaluating Conversational Recommender Systems" got accepted by TheWebConf(Industry Track) 2025.
Congrats to Xi Li: The Paper "Incorporating Review-missing Interactions for Generative Explainable Recommendation" got accepted by COLING 2025.
Congrats to Lei Wang: The Paper "User Behavior Simulation with Large Language Model based Agents" got accepted by TOIS 2024.
Congrats to Zexu Sun: The Paper on Causal effect estimation got accepted by TKDE 2024.
Congrats to Zeyu Zhang: The Paper on Meta Recommendation got accepted by TKDE 2024.
Congrats to Xiaohe Bo: The Paper on LLM-based Agents got accepted by NeurIPS 2024.
Congrats to Xueyang Feng: The Paper on LLM-based Agents got accepted by EMNLP-findings 2024.
One paper on LLM-based Agents got accepted by EMNLP 2024.
Congrats to Jingsen Zhang, Jiakai Tang and Heyang Gao: Three papers on recommendation and causal discovery got accepted by KDD 2024.
Congrats to Yabin Zhang: The paper on sequential recommendation got accepted by TOIS 2024.
Congrats to Rui Li: The paper on knowledge graph got accepted by ICML 2024.
One paper on debiased recommendation got accepted by ICML 2024.
Congrats to Hao Yang: The paper on fairness-aware recommendation got accepted by TOIS 2024.
Congrats to Lei Wang, Chen Ma, Xueyang Feng: The Survey on LLM-based agent got accepted by FCS.
Congrats to Lei Wang: The Paper on recommendation debias got accepted by TheWebConf 2024.
One paper on causal inference got accepted by ICLR 2024 spotlight.
Congrats to Lei Wang: The paper on controllable recommendation got accepted by AAAI 2024 oral, where we reformulate recommendation as a game theory problem.
Congrats to Weiqi Shao: Our paper won the Best Paper Honorable Mention Award at SIGIR-AP 2023.
Congrats to Jingsen Zhang: Our explainable recommendation dataset REASONER got accepted by NeurIPS 2023 Dataset and Benchmarks Track.
Congrats to Zexu Sun: The Paper on causal inference and reinforcement learning got accepted by NeurIPS 2023.
We have released the second version of "RecAgent".
We have released the second version of "A Survey on LLM-based Autonomous Agents".
We have released a survey paper "A Survey on LLM-based Autonomous Agents". See Highlighted Research for more details.
Congrats to Jiakai Tang and Hao Yang: Papers on fairness aware recommendation got accepted by RecSys 2023.
We have released the first version of "RecAgent", which explores the intersection of user behavior analysis and LLM-based autonomous agents. See Highlighted Research for more details.
Congrats to Zeyu Zhang: Tne paper on robust recommendation got accepted by KDD 2023.
Congrats to Rui Zhou: Tne paper on robust recommendation got accepted by SIGIR 2023.
Give talks on "Recent advances in Explainable Recommendation" at MLNLP, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) and BAAI.
We have built a new explainable recommendation dataset REASONER.
Congrats to Jingsen Zhang and ZhenLei Wang: Papers on explainable and robust recommendation got accepted by TheWebConf 2023.
Our paper on "RecBole" got CIKM 2022 best resource paper runner up award.
One paper on debiased recommendation got accepted by TOIS 2023.
Papers on explainable recommendation and RecBole
got accepted by ICDE 2023 and CIKM 2022.
One paper on reinforcement learning got accepted by Artificial Intelligence (AIJ) 2022.
One paper on AI creation got accepted by MM 2022.
Welcome to submit papers to ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems (TORS) Special Issue on Causal Inference for Recommender Systems.
One survey paper on the evaluation of explainable recommendation was released.
Congrats to ZhenLei Wang and Kun Lin : Papers on debiased and explainable recommendation got accepted by TheWebConf 2022.
Our recommendation tool RecBole
( got accepted by CIKM 2021.
Papers on explainable and causal recommendation got accepted by CIKM 2021.
One paper on multi-agent evaluation and matrix completion got accepted by ICML 2021.
One paper on causal recommendation got accepted by SIGIR 2021.
Two papers on recommendation and reinforcement learning got accepted by TheWebConf 2021.
Paper on multi-agent RL got accepted by AAMAS 2021.